Return Policy


Hey there!

Looks like you’ve found your way to our Return & Replacement page. We’re thrilled to have you here, although we wish it were under different circumstances. We understand that even the most carefully crafted electronic products can occasionally encounter a hiccup or two. But no worries, because, at NG, we’re all about finding solutions and ensuring you have a smooth and enjoyable experience.

We like to keep things light-hearted, so here are some guidelines to keep in mind:

1. Return Timeframe: Make sure to submit your request within 7 days from the delivery date.

2. Replacement Timeframe: You’ll be thrilled to hear that we offer a whopping 1-year replacement warranty. That’s right, an entire year of peace of mind! Just let us know within that timeframe, and we’ll handle the rest

3. Reason for Return/Replacement: While we appreciate a good story, physical damage is like an uninvited guest. Unfortunately, it’s not covered in our policies. Let’s keep things intact, shall we?

4. Original Packaging: We’re all about that originality! Please return or replace the product in its original packaging, along with any accessories and documentation. Let’s keep it classy!

5. Process: We will initiate the return pickup from our side after receiving your request. Expect it to be collected within 48-72 hours.

It takes around 5 working days to reach at our warehouse, upon receiving the package, we will conduct a quality check which might take around 3 working days. Once it successfully passes the check, we will promptly proceed with the refund or replacement.

*In case of a refund, you’ll receive the full amount within 7 working days after the quality check.

*In case of replacement, we will dispatch the replaced product within 3-4 working days after the quality check.

Now that we’ve laid out the guidelines, let’s move on!

To register a return request or a complaint Click Here

Note: Invoice will be compulsory for returns or replacements